Why is my buying price higher than the value at which i had bought?
Suppose you bought some shares of XYZ International at say 100Rs each. The next day when you would check your portfolio on Angel you would find that the price at which has been bought is 100+ or say around 102. The increased price just reflects the ...
Downloading Ledger Report from Angel
1. To download your ledger statement, you have to first login into your Angel Demat Account by 2. Click on Reports, after you log in. Make sure that you’re in the Transactional Report sub-section. 3. Choose the Type of ...
Portfolio Management FAQ
-Don't panic seeing the portfolio management excel sheet firstly. Go through the videos of the Portfolio Management videos first and then try to simultaneously solve the excel sheet. -Here is the conceptual solution of question 6 of the Portfolio ...
Account Modification Form
The Demat Account modification form is given in the attachment to this webpage. Please download it, fill both pages and send it to and cc to Please also attach the following documents for respective ...
Bonus Modules Section
Portfolio Management Section: Portfolio Management FAQ Money Management Blueprint: Money Management Blueprint FAQ
Community Section
We used to have a Facebook community, but now we have shifted to Discord. Don't try to join Discord using your Discord App on your mobile or tablet, as the interface is different. If you only have a mobile, try joining on it via your browser with ...
GST/ Billing Section
GST Details Filling: The details for receiving the GST Bill are to be filled in while you’re paying. If you fill incorrect details there or fail to submit the details in the same month, then we will not be able to provide you with the bill at all, or ...
Free Lifetime AMC Plan
Please fill the form in the attachment and send it to with cc to For any queries, make sure you are at least emailing You need your Demat account to be opened and client code with you in ...
AMC Paid while filling the account opening application
If you have paid your AMC, not following the instructions, then you have to mail to and cc to the following things to asap or you'll be charged again. Documents to be sent: a. Bank account statement (Unlocked ...
POA and Nominee 101
POA (now DDPI): Video link: - Power of Attorney (POA) for Demat Account to the broker is a legal document. It gives limited or full legal authority to the broker to operate your Demat account as per the ...
Money Management Blueprint FAQ
- There is a discussion of managing money in 6 different accounts. This doesn't mean that you have to have 6 different bank accounts. All the discussed accounts can be put into one bank account. You need to have that separation or distribution of ...
Most common Demat/ Broking FAQ's
0. Why is my buying price higher than the value at which i had bought? Solution is when you click on this question itself. 1. Why I'm being charged more when Angel offers flat 20Rs per trade? The plans are different, the one with a flat 20Rs charge ...
Fundamental Analysis 101
Sectoral Analysis: Starting Fundamental Research of Sectors Cashflow Analysis: Cash Flows Explained Portfolios 101: Portfolio Review and Management GSS Sheet, Moats and Risk / Qualitative Analysis: GSS Sheet IPO 101: IPO psychology and ...
Dow Theory 101
What the strategy is? You have to see and apply the Dow theory strategy on Index such as Nifty50 and buy/sell the ETF of the respective index like NiftyBees, SBI Nifty50 ETF etc. When the index value say Nifty50 closes above the significant peak on ...
Book & Certificate Delivery 101
Latest Update: Nov, Dec 2021 & Jan 2022-July 2022 slot books are dispatched and will reach you soon. Past Update: Book Dispatch Status: Slot means the month in which you have completed the course. The list of books- "The Most Important Thing" by ...
Brokerage Charges Explained- Angel Broking
Brokerage We don't offer the normal Angel Plan of Flat 20Rs per order, DIRECTLY . That plan is different and it charges you flat 20Rs for every executed order. The plan we have is mentioned below and it charges a minimum 30Rs brokerage + Tax. You ...
Brokerage Plans available with us: How to use Angel Mobile App: Account Opening ...
Discord Joining Manual Troubleshoot
How to join the community and WATCH THE COMPLETE VIDEO BEFORE DOING YOURSELF: Not able to find the Developer mode in Appearance: Read the text below the video. Read the instructions present ...
How to mark as complete and move forward
Unless you mark all the previous video/instructions page/pdf's as complete, you'll not be able to proceed forward in the course. This is how you have to do it on a PC: Button Location in PC This is how you have to do it on mobile: ...
ISMA Course Handbook
DOUBT RESOLUTION SECTION: Ticket Based Response System: Our Ticket Based Response System If you're a course student, please send all your doubts and grievances to How to proceed forward in the course: Link: How to mark as complete ...
Our Ticket Based Response System
We would like to let you know that have shifted to a ticket based response system. Please note that when we reply, there are two emails sent, one which has the actual reply and one is the feedback notification email. Most of the people don’t see the ...
ISMA Course Extension
If you need an extension of around 7 days, I can help you with that, free of cost, applicable once. To opt for that, simply let us know. If you have had a converstaion with anyone from our team, please let us know the name of the person with date and ...
Order terminology and Types of Orders- Trigger, Robo and Others
To know about types of orders this will help you out: Recommend course ...
Support and Resistance- FAQ's
In case you have doubts about Support and Resistance, you can watch the following sessions: Click the video below for comprehending the theory: Click the video below for comprehending the implementation: 5 or 15 mins: Intraday 1 or 4 hr: Swing 1 ...
Technical Strategies- 101
Note: Please use NSE charts as they are updated real time, unlike BSE. MACD: In-depth details about MACD- 12, 26, 9 in MACD is an arbitrary number that has been tested over years. There is no logic behind ...
Demand and Supply FAQ
Here is the link to 5 implementation sessions you have to watch before starting on the charts: 1. 2. 3. ...
Starting Fundamental Research of Sectors
Step 0. If you are not able to select sectors for you, watch this video: To put it in simple words, choose the sectors whose products common folk use. Their demand will never go down, stating ...
Cash Flows Explained
If you're investing for a period of fewer than 5 years, please check the following data for the last 3 years. If you're investing for a period of more than 5 years, please check the following data for the last 5 years. The amount which comes to the ...
Procedure to start ISMA 2.0
Q. I haven't received any email, how do I have to start the course? A. You would have received an email from our end AFTER THE FINAL PAYMENT with the subject "Welcome to ISMA 2.0". It has the instructions to log in and start your course. It may often ...
How to make your PnL Report
Firstly watch this video to identify how to calculate basic profits: You can find the monthly return of nifty by using a candlestick chart of one month of Nifty. Yours can be calculated by adding ...
Wrong Email Used
PS: Since you're an ISMA student, please use for a quick resolution.
Portfolio Review
Please download the file in attachment and fill the Excel Sheet and send it back to us! GPE Sheet is for review of your investments and not trades! Goela Trading Journal is for review of trades and not investments! Make sure you enclose the link of ...
Tracking Error
A tracking error is a difference between the returns of index mutual funds/ ETF and the underlying index. For e.g. the Index gives you a return of 12% cagr, then the Index Mutual Fund or ETF may give you 1-2% less due to the sentiments in the MF/ETF. ...
Live Classes / Office Hours
The live classes in the course are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, from 8 PM to 9 PM. If there is a change in schedule, you will be intimated Even if you miss those sessions, the recordings are uploaded in the Vault module after some ...